turn up our youth

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Graduating with a Bachelors of Fine Arts from the California Institute of the Arts (and receiving the Shirley Burden scholarship while there) in 2007, Aaron has successfully used his training to creat the "Turn it up Now 1982" Organization witch focuses on youth empowerment through public speaking and workshops Aaron uses his voice, mind and heart to teach student to express themselves, through creativity. 20 years of teaching and performing and interactive educational massage covering topics of Self-respect, Beat boxing from the heart, Leadership Now , and Turn Up the talent workshop. About Aaron Johnson

My goal is to "turn up" empower encourage young adults to connect deeply and their spirit mind and body. have a focus and counseling ,dusting off the greatness of young adults helping them live optimize healthy holistic lives my passions are music, photography, and video production. I have been a counselor through the Church of God in low-income communities 10 years.

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